
あげる,くれる,もらう What Gives?

5 minute read Published:

Japanese contains many situations where who you’re speaking to and who you’re speaking about affects word choice. Perhaps the most basic example of this is the simple act of giving. In Japanese, the choice of word you use depends on the following criteria: What is your social relationship to the recipient Who is performing the act of giving Who is the recipient of the gift Who you are speaking with regarding the act of giving If you examine these criteria while discussing giving and receiving you should have little trouble properly structuring your sentences.

Furigana using ruby tags in HTML

1 minute read Published:

Ruby tag example It can be difficult when first learning Kanji to memorize all the readings, and the kanji itself can be challenging. The HTML5 Ruby Tag allows you to place helper furigana or rubi on top of your Kanji to assist readers. I’m of the opinion that each unique reading should only appear with furigana once per page or article to avoid dependence on them. Below is an example of how to create furigana using the HTML5 ruby tag.


2 minute read Published:

自動詞と他動詞 「じどうし と たどうし」 Transitive and Intransitive Verbs 自動詞 ー> Intransitive 他動詞 ー> Transitive Transitive Intransitive 落(お)とす to drop 落(お)ちる to fall 出(だ)す to take out 出る (で)to come out; to leave 入れる(い) to insert 入る (はい)to enter 開(あ)ける to open 開く (あ)to be opened 閉(し)める to close 閉(し)まる to be closed つける to attach つく to be attached 消(け)す to erase 消(き)える to disappear 壊(こわ)す to break 壊(こわ)れる to be broken 直(なお)す to fix 直(なお)る to be cured, fixed, or healed Pay attention to particles!