
When / Where? (でとに使い方)

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Note: This article was created with the assistance of Generative AI as an experiment. Clarifying the Difference Between “で” and “に” in Expressing Time and Location In Japanese, the particles “で” and “に” play crucial roles in specifying time and location, but they can be a source of confusion for learners. To better understand the difference, let’s explore how they work in two distinct examples: “夜で会いましょう” and “夜に会いましょう.” 1. “夜で会いましょう”

In order to (ように 対 ために)

3 minute read Published:

Note: This article was created with the assistance of Generative AI as an experiment. Understanding the Difference Between “ように” (ように) and “ために” (ために) in Japanese Grammar Learning a new language can be an exciting yet challenging endeavor, and one of the key aspects of language acquisition is understanding how different grammar points are used. In Japanese, two commonly used expressions that often cause confusion for learners are “ように” (ように) and “ために” (ために).


1 minute read Published:

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あげる,くれる,もらう What Gives?

5 minute read Published:

Japanese contains many situations where who you’re speaking to and who you’re speaking about affects word choice. Perhaps the most basic example of this is the simple act of giving. In Japanese, the choice of word you use depends on the following criteria: What is your social relationship to the recipient Who is performing the act of giving Who is the recipient of the gift Who you are speaking with regarding the act of giving If you examine these criteria while discussing giving and receiving you should have little trouble properly structuring your sentences.

Furigana using ruby tags in HTML

1 minute read Published:

Ruby tag example It can be difficult when first learning Kanji to memorize all the readings, and the kanji itself can be challenging. The HTML5 Ruby Tag allows you to place helper furigana or rubi on top of your Kanji to assist readers. I’m of the opinion that each unique reading should only appear with furigana once per page or article to avoid dependence on them. Below is an example of how to create furigana using the HTML5 ruby tag.